Every person wants to get into the live streaming business. With the Periscope app, you can, and best of all, you can earn money by streaming live video right from your tab or smartphone. It is a new way to create videos as well as earn money.
Based on Twitter, you'll be able to now get paid to measure stream using Periscope. Offers super hearts to tip video creators, by viewers.. These virtual hearts are sent in by viewers paying real money.
How to Make Money with Periscope if You're New to This Field
As soon as the creators of Periscope accumulate $175 worth of virtual hearts, it will be possible to cash them out in digital currency. Do you know how to make money on Periscope ? Let's learn if you are new to this field.
Part 1: Can You Make Money on Periscope?
Part 2: Prepare the Live Stream with the Right Plan
Part 3: How to Make Money on Periscope with Techniques?
Part 1: Can You Make Money on Periscope?
Yes, since you're willing to face some obstacles, and begin making live streaming videos, you may definitely be ready to earn money on Periscope. it is vital to notice that while anyone can send or buy Super Hearts, you need to be authorized as an excellent Transmitter before cashing out real money
Part2: Prepare the Live Broadcast with the Right Plan
1. Find out what you really want to live stream:
When you start with live video streaming, choosing the right topic that can attract viewers is essential. You must be able to understand and choose one particular thing that you would like to be known for.
Is it fashion games or something else that people focus more on? You need to find the right theme for your video live stream in order to earn money on Periscope. Once a particular topic is selected, say you want to stream games live, try to analyze which game is trending the most.
Try checking search engines and other gaming sites to find the games that are most in the news but not yet saturated. If you're not sure which theme to choose, you can search gaming communities and forums to see which game is the most popular.
2. Constant transmission:
It is essential to maintain a consistent schedule while posting content. What does this mean? It means that the time span of the live stream needs to be constant to keep your audience informed. If your audience has to wait and is not aware of the posting schedule, it could lose interest and attention.
Let's say you have 3 videos prepared and you stream for 3 consecutive days and then disappear for 3 weeks. This gives the wrong message to your audience. Therefore, it is best to stream live consistently on a weekly basis.
3. Talk to yourself if you're shy:
Are you a person who gets carried away by the camera? If not, live streaming can be quite a daunting task for you, especially if you are shy. Facing the camera and seeing and hearing yourself can be uncomfortable if you're not used to it.
So try to make it a habit to face the mirror, ignore any flaws you may notice, and talk to yourself continuously as much as you can. Add at least 10-15 seconds into each session of talking to yourself in the mirror. This will increase your confidence and help you feel comfortable and at ease while you speak.
4. Make a script:
Having a rigid and fast script and narrating or speaking gimmicky lines like a school kid can completely ruin your video. Therefore, try to be spontaneous. Have the points you want to include in your video at hand and refer to them from time to time to have a clear idea of what you want to say. But don't make a video like someone is forcing you to speak. Be natural and sporty.
Part 3: How to Make Money on Periscope with Techniques?
1. Make an active interaction:
If you want to make money on Periscope, it's essential that you get closer to your audience. Apart from the stream chats, you should share all your social profiles like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. with all your subscribers.
Sharing your social networks does not mean that you have to become friends with all your subscribers, but you can share the social page that you want your subscribers to follow, where they can post any queries or learn more about your live videos. This active interaction is essential to earn money from live streaming.
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2. Find a company to sponsor you:
When a business agrees to sponsor your live streaming video, they pay you for the stream. Do you know how? Your followers may not be aware that they are seeing a cup of coffee with a company logo on it, or a background service ad while you are explaining something or speaking to your audience.
But, money is usually made on Periscope just by sharing the services or products while live streaming. Getting hooked on the right big brands and companies can make you a lot of money.
3. Create value for your audience:
Never share inferior and useless videos with your audience. To make money from streaming, make sure the information is valuable and the viewing is interesting for your viewers. Valuable content and a great presentation can attract more subscribers and retain existing ones, in addition to receiving money for live streaming.
With live video content setting the trends, always make sure that if you're making one, you get paid to go live. Twitter supporting the Periscope app could be a good way to create money from live streaming. on Periscope by sharing great live content that viewers would love to learn