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Best link shortening sites and profit from them 2022

Best link shortening sites and profit from them 2022

Earning money by shortening links was a very recurring search a few years ago, when Social Networks allowed inserting links from shorteners that generated money. 
However, Facebook and Twitter did not like the idea that their media was spammed with urls, because they took away the veracity of the publications.

How to make money by shortening links

Still, shortening urls and earning money is still a good way to monetize websites , blogs and download sites. It is also ideal for those topics that cannot be monetized with Google Adsense.

But what are the best themes to earn money cutting links? Is everyone qualified to generate income by sharing links? What pages pay us to shorten urls؟

What is a url shortener

Possibly you have already used a link shortener, it is a website where you insert a kilometric address, in such a way that it is reduced to a very short and easy to share link.

I use Booking.com a lot and I find myself with the problem of sharing an accommodation, the link is like this:


It is quite inconvenient to send this address by instant messaging, it takes up the whole screen and it is also difficult to remember. Using a shortener, the link looks like this:

The two links lead to the same site, you can copy and paste in your browser and see for yourself, but you see that the second option is much more comfortable.

How do you make money shortening?

If you search Google for “url shortener” the best known ones will appear, such as Bitly.com, ionos.es and cutt.ly, in fact I use them frequently when I want to share a very long link but I don't want to spam my contact.

Where is the secret? 

In publicity. As in any page that allows us to earn free money, almost all the income comes from the ads. In this case we shorten a url, we share it and when someone clicks, an advertising pop-up window appears before reaching its destination.

Is it safe to shorten links?

Yes and no. It depends on several factors such as the type of shortener and the advertising format. If you have entered download websites or pages with sensitive content, you will have noticed that they riddle you with advertising and it is because they usually use this type of platform to cover expenses and earn money.

What kind of advertising does the visitor get?

You can imagine, it can be "normal" advertising with legal content or you can see full screens with sexual content, screens that pretend to be a destructive virus of your device or false news (fake news) to capture the attention of the public.

What are the best url shorteners

We have compiled the best websites to shorten URLs and generate income. We have decided to name the oldest ones and we will add others that seem so good to us:


It is a multitasking website that has a section to earn money by shortening links. It is also very comfortable for the reader because an ad appears in which they have to press a CONTINUE button and then they are redirected to the site in question.


It is the link shortener par excellence since it has been paying since 2011. We highlight its possibility of generating income from any country that can charge by Paypal and its minimum achievable payment. In this article you can review some methods that work to earn money with Adfly.


Shortest has the advantage that it includes a massive shortener that can save you a lot of time. You can also insert a script on your website to display automatic ads. You can even install a plugin for WordPress which will insert advertising as links on your page or blog.

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Where to put shortened url – Tricks

If you are just starting out in the world of making money online, it will have crossed your mind to share shortened links right and left, and the following may happen:

1- Share links and nobody clicks on them

2- Share links and make them click

Now, the people who click on your links are looking for something specific that you are offering, but these types of URLs do not usually lead to the desired destination page.

Users can tire quickly and your credibility will suffer, especially if you have a website. Visitors probably won't want to consume unwanted advertising again and won't come back.

So where can I share shortened urls to earn money without losing visitors? These are the best themes or places where you can put them without losing quality in your visits.

Social networks

Oddly enough, there are RRSS that allow the publication of adult content but not shortened links. However, there are specific Social Networks that allow you to share this type of content and, therefore, links. This is the case of newTumbl or MojoFire.

dating apps

There are users who are taking real advantage of applications to flirt or meet other people. Women who share links with a flashy title "see my most intimate photos" or even men who pose as women for the same purpose. The best known in the Hispanic world are Tinder and Badoo.


Blogs, Blogger web spaces, WordPress, Wix or any platform where you have your content, but beware! You will have to choose a theme that suits what you want to share. Shortened links are not recommended in any content. Below we detail what are the ideal topics to share url and earn money.


Be very careful with inserting a shortened link in the Bio, in addition to deleting it, they can cancel your account. However, you can place it in “Swipe up” or what is the same, in the highlighted stories. To be able to share links you have to have at least 10,000 followers, here are some tricks to get followers fast .

Yahoo Answers

A well-known community in the Hispanic world where people ask all kinds of questions in search of an answer that helps them. Go to http://es.answers.yahoo.com/ and look for questions that you can answer by inserting a shortened link.

First I recommend you answer several questions without putting a link and later when you have more points, do it. If you copy and paste the URL when registering, it will be suspected of SPAM and your account can be deleted.


An infallible trick is to upload videos with music of a specific theme (relaxing, running, to meditate), put a moving background and upload it to your Channel. It is a way to earn money on YouTube without making videos and it is a practice that is spreading like wildfire.

In Souncloud you can find music or sounds that can be used without copyright and other platforms allow you to create a moving background with a few simple steps. Take the opportunity to insert a shortened link in the description.


If you already have your audience and you get referrals easily, it can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, people trust you and that is why they follow you, interact with your posts and expect positive things from you. A trick to insert the url can be something like downloading, you can leave the responsibility in what they are going to download without it seeming that you have done it conscientiously. It is not worth losing credibility and reputation for a few clicks.

Relevant news

On Twitter you can not share certain links, however it is the fastest driving vehicle that occurs anywhere in the world, faster than any other. Finding out about a story and sharing it can go viral in a matter of minutes. Take the opportunity to shorten the news and share it in other places such as Forums and Bulletin Boards.


The hastags are another common thread that allows us to reach people interested in that specific topic. 

You just have to visit the twitter trends and look for those that are gaining relevance. Interesting content with the right hashtags can reach anywhere in the world.

trending topic

Go with Twitter, is that it allows us to see content that would otherwise be impossible. 

When something or someone becomes a Trending Topic, it means that it is interesting and that many tweeters are talking about it at that moment. 

You just have to have imagination and take advantage of the TT to insert your links. Get imaginative.

Themes to insert shortened links

The best way to make money shortening URLs is to have a themed website where the visitor doesn't mind consuming invasive advertising. 

And what are those themes? Why would they want to consume advertising?

When we desperately look for something we are willing to receive all kinds of ads, Pop-ups, banners that look like a fair and even sensitive content, as is the case with the following topics:

  • Health and wellness (cure diseases, lose weight fast)
  • Download websites (music, movies, videos)
  • Adult content
  • Sites to hack or spy on someone (whatsapp, facebook)
  • Buy illegal substances

In short, content that encourages the click. All these themes and some more are totally banned in Adsense, which is why alternatives arise to monetize them.

Is it profitable to shorten url?

It depends on the imagination you have. Years ago, when Social Networks did not exist, it was more complicated to generate income in this way. 

Since Whatsapp and Facebook came into our lives, many visionaries took the opportunity to insert their links with relevant content (or at least it seemed so).

Every day it is more difficult to obtain benefits by shortening links because there are too many Fake News, people are more aware of the information obtained on the Internet and it only works with certain topics.

But hey, it's a legal way to make money. It may even be that you have an innovative idea to monetize your links that has not been used until now. 

Opinions about shortening url and making money

Most people who start in this method end up giving up since it is difficult to get traffic to monetize those links. 

You have to figure it out and use your imagination to put a link somewhere without it looking like SPAM and that also encourages the click, it can be with organic traffic or through massive publications.

In reality, people put a lot of imagination into it, so much so that every day I am surprised to see what is capable of being invented in order to generate income, some methods that are not so lawful.

If you have time and desire, think about how you could get income by shortening URLs, look for information, read in forums and possibly the light bulb will light up, can you think of any more tricks? You can leave it in the comments.
